Age: 23
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Doctor
Income: varies, but around $55k
Astrological Sign: libra sun, and I think virgo rising + cancer moon?
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
If I’m working, I hit snooze and eventually drag myself out of bed for a shower. I only qualified as a doctor a month ago; it’s been a scary shift! On days I don’t work, I normally run in the morning, so I putter around a bit with a coffee on the balcony.
Have you ever felt genuine fulfillment? When?
1. Whenever I listen to “Perfect Day” or “Wish You Were Here” (the second one is my dad’s favorite song) and stare off into the sunset
2. Hugging my friends
3. Dancing, in the club, in a group, in big stomping trainers
4. When my plants look healthy
5. Finishing a book with a good dose of lit-fic and female rage
6. Finishing cleaning my flat and snuggling down with a candle on and a good film
7. When my brother says I’m cool (he’s much cooler than me)
8. Reading under a blue sky in the park: flat on my back, headphones on, matcha in hand
9. Seeing someone at a music festival realize they’re on the big screen
10. Finishing a race
What is your most repetitive, negative thought?
That everyone I meet secretly finds me annoying or incompetent, and that they might just be right.
Or… maybe something about my looks. God, as hard as I try not to be, I fear I’m incredibly vain.
What is your most repetitive, positive thought?
When my friend and I were studying for med school finals, I told her “You’re kind, you’re funny, you’re smart, and this is just one way you get to show it”. So…that, especially whenever something looks difficult or anxiety-inducing but still worthwhile.
What is one thing that surprised you about adulthood?
How soon I’d run out of cooking ideas, and how frequently the shower drain needs to be cleaned.
What are three things you want to put every woman onto?
1. running! If you’re at all able to, it’s such a joy.
2. a chicken Caesar salad, a glass of white wine, and some crispy fries.
3. chatting to strangers
Rank the following from most to least important:
money, food, sex, love, and laughter (feel free to explain or don’t).
1. love (not specifically romantic)
2. laughter
3. can’t split money, food and sex. Sorry! Love them all. Part of me wants to put money last, but I think I know I’d be lying. The freedom that comes with money is such a transformative privilege.
How has your relationship with your parents/ guardians changed in adulthood?
I think my teenage years were characterized by the feeling of being bored and stifled. I don’t know how much that came from them, or just where we lived (in the middle of nowhere), but what I do know is that as I grew away and apart and into my own person, we got a lot closer emotionally. They’re truly wonderful people who I’m incredibly grateful for.
When do you feel most like yourself?
This is a tough one… I think I’m still trying to figure out who that person is exactly. My mind jumps to being on a train, for some reason… headphones on, book in my lap, just the right amount of people-watching and the view of rolling green hills and glassy streams through the window.
What is the best compliment someone has ever given you?
That people feel safe around me. That’s truly sat in my soul since I was told. I hope I live up to it.
How do you feel about falling in love?
Meh. I’d like to, but sometimes? Can’t be bothered. I feel genuinely fulfilled and happy with my life right now, which translates into having a very low tolerance for anything that disrupts it. I guess I’m trying to “least expect” my way into true love right now… I definitely see a partner and kids in the future, but the journey there will be just a bit nebulous. Just telling myself I’ve plenty of time. But then I see people I went to high school with on Facebook who have kids in school, or I remember that everyone in my family had met the person they would go on to marry by 21, and I get a jolt.
What is one thing you’re sick of hearing?
Casual normalization of restrictive eating… this general belief that “less” is always “healthy”. Seeing unqualified people giving weight loss advice that’s masked as “healthy living” genuinely sends me into a rage.
How often do you feel alone?
Mostly when I doom scroll social media. I’ve had periods where tech really zapped my energy, and I’d be spending most of my free time staring at pixels. I’m getting better at setting boundaries for myself (app timers are a savior), but I’m far from perfect. I wonder how many books I could have read if I weren’t so deep down the rabbit hole of influencer drama…
What is one thing you hope everyone experiences in their lifetime?
Pistachio ice cream and “New Order” on vinyl.
What is one thing you hope no one has to experience in their lifetime?
Someone close to you dying before you had the chance to tell them how much they meant to you.
What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
Deciding to get comfortable with doing things alone.
When do you feel most at ease?
The train back home to visit my parents.
What does having a successful life mean to you?
Planting as many seeds of joy and kindness as you can.
How often do you think about your body?
Oh god… every day, probably. I’ve always been insecure about my body, which sucks to admit. These days I try to think less about aesthetics and more about what my body can do. I was always insecure about the size of my thighs (which feels crazy, looking back, but I think I imported that one from my mum). Now, I see them as the legs that get me through a 10k in 44 mins (shameless boast). I feel happier when I see strength and speed in the mirror.
When do you ask for help?
Too rarely. I think some part of me believes that if I don’t accomplish something alone, it doesn’t “count.”
What is something you feel strongly about?
The absolute right of all humans to safety, housing, food, and education (dull, but absolutely true).
BONUS: Tell me something good.
The world is so wide, and you are so capable.