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#68. the foundational backbone of girlhood, urban design & dolphins

Writer's picture: Devyn Penney Devyn Penney

Age: 26

Relationship Status:  long term relationship

Occupation:  real estate development/urban design

Income:  $86,000

Astrological Sign: Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising


What is the first thing you do when you wake up? 

Let my kitties in my room for morning pets.


Have you ever felt genuine fulfillment? When? 

I feel very strong blips of fulfillment in short spurts. I don’t feel it all the time, but there are days in my work and life when I sit back and think to myself, “What an awesome moment or what an awesome day!”


What is your most repetitive, negative thought?

That I will live a very forgettable life.  


What is your most repetitive, positive thought? 

That younger me would really like older me.


What is one thing that surprised you about adulthood? 

This is so unserious, but why the actual fuck are rugs and trash cans so expensive? They are mass-produced… I don’t understand at all.


What are three things you want to put every woman onto? 

  1. Knowledge about PCOS. It affects so many women, and so many times, we get pushed to the side and ignored in the medical field. It took me years to get diagnosed and I would hate for anyone to go through that same situation.

  2. Balance transfer cards. They are not talked about nearly enough, and they can really help someone get out of a financial shit show.

  3. Class pass. If class pass has no fans… I’m dead.


Rank the following from most to least important:

money, food, sex, love, and laughter (feel free to explain or don’t).

1. Laughter

2. Love

3. Money

4. Sex

5. Food

Laughter is the foundational backbone of girlhood. There is no better feeling than laughing so hard until you cry. Love goes without saying. This doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships, but the love I feel for my family, friends, and pets is unmatched. Money.. to be honest… it makes me really happy. I love not having to depend on anyone. It provides me with a feeling of security, and I’m very grateful for that. Sex… I mean, come on. Food - same as sex… I mean, come on. Sometimes better than sex, I’m sure we can all agree on that.


How has your relationship with your parents/ guardians changed in adulthood? 

Realizing that my parents really were just doing their best. I understand their “no’s” a lot better now that I’m older. I think our relationship now is a mutual respect rather than them parenting me. Advice is given, but it’s no longer expected to be taken.


When do you feel most like yourself? 

To be honest, I have no idea. I wear so many different hats in my life that I’m not sure when I truly feel like myself. Maybe not knowing is what makes me feel like me?

What is the best compliment someone has ever given you? 

“You’re the kind of beautiful that never goes out of style.”


How do you feel about falling in love? 

I hate it. The stress of the “falling” part makes me so anxious. I really enjoy the stability of my partner and our respect and love for one another as it is now years later. Knowing how dependable he is makes me love him so much. I love the comfortably of who we are together.


What is one thing you’re sick of hearing?

“You were still pretty when you were heavier.”

Being fat and being pretty can exist in the same space. Just because someone is fat doesn’t mean they can’t be pretty.


How often do you feel alone? 



What is one thing you hope everyone experiences in their lifetime? 

Having an amazing relationship with your grandparents. Sitting down with them and learning about their family history and childhood memories is fascinating, offering glimpses into times we can only read about. I’m incredibly lucky to have this connection, and if I could share this gift with everyone, I would.


What is one thing you hope no one has to experience in their lifetime?

My best friend in college got cancer, had to have her leg amputated, and went through countless rounds of chemotherapy. Watching her endure all that tore a part of me that I can’t even explain. Even now, thinking about it too much makes me physically sick to my stomach. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Seeing someone you love so much go through this at such a young age is something I still struggle to come to terms with.

What is the best decision you’ve ever made? 

Living alone for a while. It gave me a level of confidence I didn’t know I had.


When do you feel most at ease? 

When I have absolutely zero plans.


What does having a successful life mean to you? 

To me, having a successful life means being able to take care of the people I love at the drop of a hat. It’s about having the financial freedom to create the life I want, including the ability to travel and experience new things. Additionally, success means feeling like my partner and I depend on one another in the same way my parents have.


How often do you think about your body? 

Every hour of every day.


When do you ask for help? 

When I’m having problems with my health. I’m pretty prideful when it comes to day-to-day activities, but my health, especially when it’s serious, scares me.


What is something you feel strongly about?

I am deeply passionate about urban planning and urban design because I believe in the transformative power of well-designed spaces. Our surroundings significantly impact our quality of life, and it’s crucial that these environments are thoughtfully planned to be inclusive and accessible to everyone. Accessibility for those with disabilities is especially important to me. I believe that every member of a community should have the opportunity to fully engage with their environment, without facing unnecessary barriers. Creating spaces that are accessible and welcoming to all not only fosters a sense of belonging but also strengthens the fabric of our communities.


BONUS: Tell me something good. 

Not really good but a fun fact that I found out recently is that Dolphins have names for one another! They will use unique whistles to call out to each other. I thought that was the coolest thing.

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