Age: 41
Relationship Status: Married
Occupation: Nonprofit executive, former teacher and administrator
Income: Not enough, girl, not enough
Astrological Sign: Libra
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I'm so embarrassed-- look at my phone! That's breaking every rule in the book, I know.
Have you ever felt genuine fulfillment? When?
All the time. When the sun is shining and the music is loud. When I'm snuggled with my kids in their bed. When my husband and I have a great chat, followed with great sex.
What is your most repetitive, negative thought?
I look fat / big / not fit enough. (oh my gosh, this is horrifying to admit!)
What is your most repetitive, positive thought?
I got this. I'm smart.
What is one thing that surprised you about adulthood?
No one prepares you! Like, NO ONE. Even the people who love you don't prepare you.
What are three things you want to put every woman onto?
1. Self love
2. Ursa Major night cream
3. Stop the 1950s bullshit, and find a man to be your partner, your equal
Rank the following from most to least important: money, food, sex, love, and laughter (feel free to explain or don’t).
Most: Food, Love, Money, Sex, Laughter
How has your relationship with your parents/ guardians changed in adulthood?
Hahahahha. Welp. I see them as humans now, not just as my parents. I can see their strengths and weaknesses. They aren't as reflective as me and my peers. We differ... greatly. They also gave me a terrific, stable foundation on which every other good part of my life has been built. Their fucked-up tendencies are generational traumas that they won't look in the face; I try to remember that they are not unusual for their age. I do love them.
When do you feel most like yourself?
At the beach, no makeup, messy hair, feet in the sand, sunset. In the kitchen, cooking for my family. With my nose in a book. This stage is over for me now, but -- with a baby sleeping in my arms.
What is the best compliment someone has ever given you?
You're always there for me. You're authentic. You're a badass.
How do you feel about falling in love?
Do it.
What is one thing you’re sick of hearing?
"We're going to fix the education system."
No, you're not. That's a lie.
How often do you feel alone?
I don't mind being alone, and I'm never alone. I love being alone in my house on the day when the cleaning people come.
What is one thing you hope everyone experiences in their lifetime?
Feeling loved by their life partner; it's a vibe, and it's a superpower too.
What is one thing you hope no one has to experience in their lifetime?
Mmmm. I had trauma symptoms because of my old career, and that was difficult to face. I had physical symptoms... many. I wish helpers didn't experience negativity when they prioritize helping over their own comfort and health.
What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
My husband
When do you feel most at ease?
When the others around me are regulated. When I can help. When others feel peace.
What does having a successful life mean to you?
Purpose-driven, honest, and adaptable to the evolution of life.
How often do you think about your body?
Refer to above. Way too much.
When do you ask for help?
All the time, when I'm overwhelmed. When I'm grumpy. When I need an outside opinion. Always.
What is something you feel strongly about?
Humans should be able to do their thing without hate and exclusion. The world is hard, why make it harder on people because of their skin color, sexual orientation, etc. Live and let live.
BONUS: Tell me something good.
You're so cute and I loved this.