Age: 32
Relationship Status: 3 years with my best friend
Occupation: tech sales/customer success (it's as stressful as people say it is)
Income: $132,000 OTE (on target earnings)
Astrological Sign: Taurus/Gemini cusp
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Pee and then make myself an iced espresso to drink while I get ready for work.
Have you ever felt genuine fulfillment? When?
Yes. The 30-year-old version of me misses the mid-20s version of me, who was a bit more carefree and had less responsibility. In my mid-20s, I was volunteering full-time through AmeriCorps (like a local version of the PeaceCorps) and going to every music festival I had the money for.
What is your most repetitive, negative thought?
That I’m not good at my job and am one fuck up away from getting fired. The imposter syndrome is real.
What is your most repetitive, positive thought?
I am damn good at making people laugh.
What is one thing that surprised you about adulthood?
There's not just some magical time in life when you have it all figured out. The learning, growing, and evolving never stop. Even in the early stages of adulthood, I feel I’ve been a few different versions of myself.
What are three things you want to put every woman onto?
ClassPass (I promise I’m not sponsored; I just really love the variety of classes).
The absolute joy that a killer salad, basket of fries, and glass of wine can bring you.
Learning to do your own nails at home. I’ve saved SO MUCH MONEY.
Rank the following from most to least important:
money, food, sex, love, and laughter (feel free to explain or don’t).
(most important) - Laughter
How has your relationship with your parents/ guardians changed in adulthood?
I don’t know if I was just an insufferable teenager, but I get along MUCH better with my entire family in adulthood. My mom and I are both headstrong, so we used to fight like cats and dogs but now I’d consider us friends. I have a MUCH greater appreciation for her strength and grit now.
I’m also a lot closer to my brothers. When covid hit, I decided to get an apartment in the same complex as them, which turned out to be a great decision. We would have “family dinners” and play apples to apples because there was nothing else to do. It was definitely a silver lining of being stuck at home because of a global pandemic.
When do you feel most like yourself?
This is so dumb and cheesy, but my partner and I will get in fits of laughter because we just keep adding to each other's jokes. We’re both the “same kind of weird” and just riff off each other. I feel completely accepted and like myself in these moments.
What is the best compliment someone has ever given you?
I love it when people tell me I’m funny.
How do you feel about falling in love?
It do be scary sometimes, but it’s definitely worth it.
What is one thing you’re sick of hearing?
The word “macroeconomic climate” and corporate-isms related to sales.
How often do you feel alone?
Not often, thankfully.
What is one thing you hope everyone experiences in their lifetime?
Financial freedom to live the lifestyle you want and have the experiences you want to have in life.
What is one thing you hope no one has to experience in their lifetime?
Unexpected death of a loved one. It feels like the rug is ripped out from under you in a big way.
What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
Going on Hinge one last time. (My boyfriend would roll his eyes at me for this one. Lol)
What does having a successful life mean to you?
I have a happy balance across all facets of my life. Good work/life balance with good pay, a home life filled with lots of new experiences and happiness, owning a dog and a house.
How often do you think about your body?
ALL THE TIME, and I wish I didn't. Some of the thoughts are positive, and some are negative, but I wish my confidence wasn’t so directly tied to what I think about my body.
When do you ask for help?
After I’ve spent too long trying to figure it out on my own.
BONUS: Tell me something good.
I just crossed jet skiing off my bucket list.