Age: 26
Relationship Status: In a relationship (10 months!!)
Occupation: Currently a freelance social media & digital lead for my family business after being laid off from my tech sales job in February
Income: 50% unemployment insurance, 50% parents e-transferring me, 100% not enough to pay my current rent & plan for the future
Astrological Sign: gemini sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising
What is the most important part of your daily routine?
Drinking lots of water every day. Even on my hardest, saddest days, drinking water is a little hug to myself and an acknowledgment that I want to feel good and function.
What is your current happiness most dependent on?
Right now, it’s my relationship. It’s been my most significant source of happiness and comfort this year because so much else has been really shaken up. I know that as a strong woman, that “shouldn’t” be the answer, but as a romantic who believes in true love and partnership, I question if finding happiness in a partner during an otherwise crazy year is so bad.
What do you wish you were less reliant on?
I have always tried not to be reliant on my parents, and emotionally, that was usually the case. I tried to be independent financially, and I was for most of university and the last 3-4 years, but now I rely on them more than ever. It’s pretty humiliating -I want to change that in 2025.
When do you question yourself?
I really question myself because my decision-making hasn't always been great. Professionally, I’ve never questioned myself more than this year.
What is something that has positively impacted how you perceive your self-worth?
My Boyfriend has loved me into looking critically at how I treat myself. It's definitely a work in progress, but he has shown me what love is. He loves talking to me and spending time with me. He cares about me and makes me feel beautiful. Seeing myself through his eyes is a gift I’m embracing more every day.
What is something you have forgiven yourself for?
I have forgiven myself for letting go of my younger self. She was pretty cool. Today, I get to honor her with my decisions, and I feel more like her than I have in 10 years, which is a very good thing.
What is something you have forgiven someone else for?
I have forgiven my parents for the way they dealt with my weight. I was deprived of things and made to feel like as long as I was bigger, nothing I did would ever mean much. My body was the center of all my downfalls & all my triumphs, and it gave me some binge/restriction issues since the age of 7. I forgive them, especially my mom; I know now that because she had her own body image issues, she was trying to protect me from the world.
How do you ground/center yourself?
I love to paint. When I paint and create something beautiful, I feel in control of creating the things I want. That feeling grounds me.
What is one thing that helped you through your most difficult time?
Therapy has been a godsend for me this year. I signed up in November 2023, but then I entered a serious relationship and lost my job shortly after. I am very thankful to have an outlet like that while I navigate things. I wish I had gone sooner!
Have you ever felt like the best version of yourself? When?
In childhood and early High School, I was really passionate and cared a lot about everything. Most people hate their high school selves, but God, I love her, and I can see a lot of good in her now. She wasn't perfect, but she cared. I feel my best when I care about something.
What is something you fundamentally disagree with?
I’ve decided I disagree with social media use before high school. I love TikTok and my phone, but I don't want my kids to be on social media until they have formed some other brain paths. I want them to have a chance of childhood like I had. I’m going to wean myself off of it more, too (work in progress).
What is something you know for sure?
Sacred touch is important. I know for sure that intentional sex is better and that sex cannot replace connection or make you feel less lonely. I definitely have not always lived this way and was in the thick of hookup culture for years. Someone could say this means I've gotten more prude and that I've changed a lot, but my first-hand experience gives me the confidence to say this is for sure. Unfortunately, casual sex has only ever made me miserable and insecure and diluted my passion.
What are three of your non-negotiables in romantic relationships?
Laughter and child-like play
Showing up for each other & putting in effort
Shared view of the future
When do you feel most comfortable in your own skin?
Whenever I’m in the water, even just in the bathtub.
Have you ever been in awe of something/someone? When?
My boyfriend is the sweetest, best man I’ve ever met. I didn't know men like him still existed. He’s intimidatingly good to the core.
What is the best (physical/material) gift you have ever received?
My parents gave me the gift of education—private high school and a debt-free university. I appreciate this gift a lot more as an adult than I did before.
What is one thing you wish you had said ‘yes’ to in the past?
I wish I had said yes to being involved in university clubs and co-curriculars. I had teachers & fellow students trying to get me involved because they could see that inner passion I was suppressing at that time. I disassociated a lot during those years & by saying no, I was punishing myself. When I said yes in my last 2 years of school, it gave me a lifeline forward I desperately needed.
What is one thing you will always say ‘no’ to in the future?
Anything that recklessly & aggressively endangers my health in any way.
What do you believe is your most attractive quality?
I know I am a good conversationalist; I immediately make people feel comfortable. It makes me feel good when I see someone open up or light up when talking to me. Conversations are a bit of a lost art, so I feel special to have that trait. It's something I want to instill in my kids someday.
What/who do you want to be when you grow up?
Deliriously happy & in love with the every day - a strong woman, mother, and wife.
BONUS: Tell me something good.
After a decade of putting it off, I just got my driver's permit and will be getting behind the wheel for the first time this fall!!! It’s never too late to do the things you wish you had done or take steps towards the person you want to be.