Age: 28
Relationship Status: In a happy relationship :)
Occupation: Therapist
Income: $87,000
Astrological Sign: Capricorn sun, Cancer moon, Gemini rising
What is the most important part of your daily routine?
Making my morning coffee is something I look forward to every morning. I have a fancy espresso machine that is my pride and joy. It truly is the small things that bring me so much joy. I cherish making my morning coffee at home and never buy it out, either!
What is your current happiness most dependent on?
Seeing my friends and family. I’m very much a social person and thrive off my social connections. If I am alone or not doing anything, I find my mental health is very much affected.
What do you wish you were less reliant on?
Money. I am constantly looking for ways to increase my money, to be less stressed about money, etc.
When do you question yourself?
Honestly, I only question myself when I post something on social media because I feel like I don’t need to share what I’m sharing for whatever reason. Or I’ll get nervous my clients will find me on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok. I feel like social media has a way for people to feel they need only to share the cool, fun, exciting moments of their lives. Like, yeah, here’s a picture of me at the beach, but I was crying 3 hours before this because I saw a spider. It’s weird.
What is something that has positively impacted how you perceive your self-worth?
Exercise. I find when I move my body, I feel better about myself. I try to get into a routine of exercising 4x a week if I can. I know it makes me look better, feel better, and increases my confidence.
What is something you have forgiven yourself for?
I had pretty bad depression as a kid and teenager and used to hate that aspect of me. I used to be so embarrassed by the fact that I was so “weak” that I was depressed. Now, I embrace taking care of myself and going to therapy. I feel I can relate to my clients from my own personal experience. For anyone who reads this, it’s okay to seek help. Therapy is cool. Please take care of yourself.
What is something you have forgiven someone else for?
If someone screws me over, the relationship is over forever. Maybe that’s the Capricorn in me.
I can’t even think of one single interaction in which I forgave someone. If there is ever a situation in my life where someone disrespects me, they are cut out forever. I will block, delete, and cut someone out easily.
How do you ground/center yourself?
I need to be by the water. You will always find me at the beach, driving to a lake, near or in a body of water. It’s the only time I can feel grounded.
What is one thing that helped you through your most difficult time?
Consistent therapy with an outstanding therapist.
Have you ever felt like the best version of yourself? When?
In Europe, at the club, singing and dancing my heart out. There’s nothing like it.
What is something you fundamentally disagree with?
That abortion should be banned. I will and always will be in full support for a woman to choose whatever she wants to do with HER body.
What is something you know for sure?
That I do not plan on working until I am 67 or 65 and need to prioritize financial freedom.
What are three of your non-negotiables in romantic relationships?
Getting along with my family
When do you feel most comfortable in your own skin?
When I am with my family, I’m so thankful to be so close with my siblings. I know I can always reach out to them whenever I want, and they will never judge.
Have you ever been in awe of something/someone? When?
My dad is the true American dream. He is an immigrant who came from nothing and worked his way up in his company, making a lot of money. He’s overcome a lot of resilience and hardships throughout his life, and I admire him for that.
What is the best (physical/material) gift you have ever received?
My education. My parents paid for my college tuition, and I am extremely thankful for that amazing gift. I also understand that it is not a common thing for many, so I acknowledge my privilege.
What is one thing you wish you had said ‘yes’ to in the past?
I actually have the problem of always saying yes, and I need to start saying no. Because I am so sociable and love being around people, I rarely ever say no to plans.
So, nothing.
What is one thing you will always say ‘no’ to in the future?
Drunk texting/Drunk Instagram DMing your toxic college ex-boyfriend.
What do you believe is your most attractive quality?
My confidence. I rarely ever doubt or question what I wear, how I look, what I say or how I feel. I can be sober at a party dancing just because I love it.
What/who do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be rich.
BONUS: Tell me something good.
I’m not sure if I want children. I find that there is a lot of societal pressure to have kids. My parents would love grandkids. I like my life the way it is and am not sure if I want to give up my independence anytime in the near future. There are people I know who are DYING to have children. That’s great. I don’t think it will ever be me. I think it’s okay to be selfish and do things for yourself.