Age: 26
Relationship Status: Single Pringle
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Income: $55,000
Astrological Sign: Pisces
What is the most important part of your daily routine?
110% meditation. I can’t really articulate why it's so important to me other than I know I feel better when I do it.
What is your current happiness most dependent on?
Me. I’ve been learning to really just depend on myself for happiness. For the past year, I haven’t been too happy with my job, but I learned I can’t be happier here unless I decide I want to be. I think that part of me just didn’t want to give this job any credit for becoming easier or more enjoyable. I (maybe secretly) wanted it to be known that if I’m happy here--it’s because of me, not because this environment has become less toxic.
What do you wish you were less reliant on?
Daydreaming. I don’t think I’m reliant on it per se. If I feel stress starting to creep up, I don’t see the harm in pretending to be on a beach in Bali. However, I think I could also benefit from being in the present moment more often.
When do you question yourself?
I’m actually trying to do this less! I’m never going to have all the answers or all the knowledge, so just the fact that I want to do something or that I’m making a decision is enough to know it needs to be done.
What is something that has positively impacted how you perceive your self-worth?
Honestly...never dating. I feel my friends who have been dating since their teens, as most do, have a bit of a warped perception of themselves and are quick to notice perceived ‘flaws’ and shortcomings. In the beginning, I felt undesirable and ugly, but I got to teach myself unconditional self-love in a way that is nearly unshakeable.
What is something you have forgiven yourself for?
No longer living with my dad and grandparents. I used to go back and forth between both parents, but my grandmother had so much built-up hatred for my mom that she blew up at me and my sister. We decided that no matter how much we loved our dad, maybe we couldn’t live with him anymore. It was difficult then, but things are much better now.
What is something you have forgiven someone else for?
I’ve forgiven my dad for maybe not being who he should’ve been. I still love him to bits, but his expectation that I would blindly do everything he wants has led to some rough patches after moving out. Things have improved immensely, and I like the way they are now.
How do you ground/center yourself?
Going metaphorically brain-dead. No thoughts, head empty, lying down until I feel like I can breathe easy.
What is one thing that helped you through your most difficult time?
Honestly, romanticism. I know it doesn’t sound healthy, but picturing some of my worst moments as scenes in a music video, movie, or even sitcom just makes them feel less heavy. Years down the road, I don’t remember the worst moments, but I do remember the time I was sitting in the car in the rain, crying things out with my best friend. That scene plays in my head like the climax of a movie, but I don’t remember the tougher times as clearly, and that’s why I do it.
Have you ever felt like the best version of yourself? When?
I feel like I'm the best version of myself a lot more lately. I can get into this headspace (I’ve practiced myself into) where I feel fun, and I actually like talking to people much more than I thought I did. In times like this, I meet more wonderful people and have wonderful conversations, and I’m looking forward to being that version more.
What is something you fundamentally disagree with?
Hatred towards other humans for being a different race, sexuality, orientation etc. I don’t get discrimination at all. It makes no sense in my mind to hate people for something that they cannot control.
What is something you know for sure?
I am loved, and everything is working out for me. I believe that for everyone else, too.
What are three of your non-negotiables in romantic relationships?
I will preface this by saying I've yet to have one of these, BUT I've learned a lot from the world around me.
Must be a feminist. Generally, sees every human as an equal and treats them with kindness and respect.
Mental health awareness. Prioritizing my rest and knowing the significance of R&R is so vital. Awareness to care for themselves and honor others is so important.
No hate or bigotry. It sounds obvious, but I think there can even be smaller jokes that lead to larger prejudice, and I need to know that my person is one of love and compassion.
When do you feel most comfortable in your own skin?
I think a lot of my personal comfort comes from how I feel on the inside. If I'm taking good care of my mental health, prioritizing joy, and making an effort to engage with the present moment, then I feel pretty darn good in my skin.
Have you ever been in awe of something/someone? When?
My mom. Her divorce and life after marriage has been… a lot. It’s insane to know how much she went through to get to where she is. I am in awe of her, but I also acknowledge that she shouldn't have had to go through all that.
What is the best (physical/material) gift you have ever received?
I want to say the PlayStation 2 my parents got me when I was like 8. It sounds so silly, but video games have introduced me to some of the most amazing stories that have inspired my own creativity, artistry, and storytelling skills. Plus, it's one of the reasons my sister and I are so close. It's been our primary bonding activity before we even hit double digits.
What is one thing you wish you had said ‘yes’ to in the past?
DOGS! I used to be deathly terrified of them. It took me some exposure therapy with my close friends, a very sleepy and gentle pup, for me to realize how wonderful and amazing dogs are and how healing pets can be. I’m actually pretty proud of myself for overcoming this fear, too.
What is one thing you will always say ‘no’ to in the future?
Taking a job out of desperation or other's expectations. That’s how I got to where I am now, and it was not worth it. With patience from both myself and others, I probably could’ve been somewhere much better had I waited even a week more.
What do you believe is your most attractive quality?
I love giving people compliments! If I see something I like about someone, I have to tell them! Cute nails? I will tell you they are cute. Sometimes, it gets me a conversation or a smile, but if I’m thinking something nice, they deserve to hear it, too!
What/who do you want to be when you grow up?
Since I was kid, I have wanted to be Sailor Moon! I want to be beautiful, powerful, fashionable, in touch with my emotions, and maybe do something more meaningful than I am now. I think I’ve got a huge part of that either down or on the way.