Age: 34
Relationship Status: Very Single
Occupation: Special Education Teacher and Residential Realtor
Income: $150,000
Astrological Sign: Pisces
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
My toy poodle, Atticus, sleeps at my feet. When my alarm goes off, he crawls up to my chest, and we cuddle until snooze is done. I cherish this little morning routine.
Have you ever felt genuine fulfillment? When?
I feel genuine fulfillment at family weddings or spending time laughing with my family. I feel genuine fulfillment when a child with learning disabilities goes, “Ohhhhh” with a smile on their face, and I can see the “light bulb” that they understand what I’m teaching them goes off. I feel genuine fulfillment around March every year when those students (some, not all) start believing in themselves and truly believing someone else really believes in them and has shown them all year. I felt genuine fulfillment when I fell in love in high school, and we were washing dishes together, and I just remember thinking, OMG, this is it. This is love. I feel genuine fulfillment when I’m having deep conversations with my girlfriends.
What is your most repetitive, negative thought?
That I’ll be infertile and I missed my time to have a family.
What is your most repetitive, positive thought?
I love my family and friends. Lately, it’s been that I love my life and appreciate everything I’ve been given.
What is one thing that surprised you about adulthood?
I wish I had known how important it was to have friends at the same stage as you. That doesn’t mean you are abandoning your lifelong friends; it means you’re expanding.
What are three things you want to put every woman onto?
Zinc supplement makes your Botox last longer
Rank the following from most to least important:
money, food, sex, love, and laughter (feel free to explain or don’t).
laughter, love, sex, money, food
How has your relationship with your parents/ guardians changed in adulthood?
I understand that they are humans, too, just trying to get by in life like me, so I have more empathy for them than ever. I try to hype them up and make them feel special like they did for me during my ENTIRE childhood.
When do you feel most like yourself?
When I’m moving athletically with no makeup on or dancing in a cute dress.
What is the best compliment someone has ever given you?
That I have a gift for working with kids with disabilities. I take a lot of pride in my work.
How do you feel about falling in love?
Can’t wait for it to happen again soon. Love is such a beautiful thing, to truly feel heard and understood.
What is one thing you’re sick of hearing?
It’ll happen when you least expect it! I’m 34 people, I can’t even get it out of my subconscious.
The statistical untruths about how women’s fertility changes after 35. That it all of a sudden “drops”. That is not true; yes, it does decline (each year), but the idea that it “drops” and we should all panic because of it is not true.
How often do you feel alone?
I’m fortunate; I don’t feel alone. I feel lonely sometimes, especially at night or at big events by myself.
What is one thing you hope everyone experiences in their lifetime?
To travel to another country and to fall in love. Everyone deserves both experiences.
What is one thing you hope no one has to experience in their lifetime?
Death of a parent or loved one at a young age. Rape. Gosh, so many things.
What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
To buy my condo by myself when I turned 30 and not wait on a man. 4 years later, I have equity, a roommate (best friend), and she pays my mortgage - I’ve never been so financially secure in my life.
When do you feel most at ease?
When my parents are around.
What does having a successful life mean to you?
It means to have a family you love.
How often do you think about your body?
Constantly. It’s a battle and always will be.
When do you ask for help?
When I get desperate for it.
What is something you feel strongly about?
I feel strongly about supporting single women in their 30s. I want them to know it’s okay to make whatever decision is best for them, that if they want to find someone and have a family, they will, and it’s coming.
BONUS: Tell me something good.
Bees are enjoying life inside in the UK’s first bee retirement home. Hahahah yes, this is real.