Age: 27
Relationship Status: So, so, very single
Occupation: Operations by day, law student by night
Income: $70k
Astrological Sign: Pisces
What is your first thought every morning?
Am I actually going to get up right now, or am I going to skip working out and sleep for an extra hour and a half?
What is something you do solely for you?
Keeping to a routine. Getting up, making my bed, and moving my body before work keeps me mentally sane. I’m not perfect at sticking to the routine, but I try my best and that’s good enough for me.
What is something you dread?
(Morbid, but) my parents dying. My dad especially is very unhealthy and it gives me a lot of anxiety and sadness thinking he might not be around for big events in me and my siblings’ lives in the future.
What is something you are looking forward to?
Seeing where I end up in my post-law school career. My current job does not have a long-term career path for me, so I’ll have to look for a new job which is both terrifying and exciting. I am keeping my mind open in terms of practice areas, so I could end up doing anything! The legal world is my oyster (lol).
When do you feel most accomplished?
On a micro level, when I get a good grade back in law school. It sounds so childish, but every good grade feels like a pat on the back for all of the blood, sweat, and (mostly) tears. Learning the content is hard, but balancing it all is harder!
On a macro level, when I take a step back and look holistically at all of the things I’ve done/am doing. I live in the city, work a job I genuinely enjoy, am in law school, have run marathons, and yet still consistently put in effort to maintain the relationships in my life. I think the 17-year-old version of me would be proud of the 27-year-old version of me in a lot of ways.
What is something you regret investing in financially?
I was laid off from a job during COVID and took the summer off to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I put a lot of my life on a credit card that summer as I job searched and feel like I will never recover. I’m still nowhere near paying it off and it makes me feel like I’ll never reach any financial goals in life.
What is something you regret investing in emotionally?
Long-term hook-ups. A fun little high followed by a LOW low and re-thinking my self-worth and questioning why they don’t actually care about me. I know I shouldn’t take it too personally, but I do.
What are three things you think are absolutely worth the investment?
(financially, emotionally, or time/energy-wise)
A group of girlfriends. I’m very lucky to have a few solid groups of female friendships and they quite literally carry me through life. My mom and her best friends have 40+ years of friendship and they are the best inspiration.
Working out/moving your body.
A Kindle.
Honorable mention to a really good rain jacket.
When do you feel most creative?
Very rarely, if ever. I wouldn’t say creativity is my strong suit. The only creativity I exert is in a problem-solving manner.
How often do you compare yourself to others? When?
Constantly, unfortunately, and in all aspects. I compare myself to others in every way - my looks, weight, grades, income, romantic relationships (or lack thereof).
I’ve been single for a few years, and it recently went from “being single is so fun!” to “is there something wrong with me?”. It’s really been chewing away at my insecurities and the comparisons to others have been out of control. It feels crazy because objectively I know that I have so many great qualities and so much love to give but feel like I must be missing something. I’m trying really hard to get out of my own head, but it is HARD.
What is one thing you’d like to thank your past self for?
Trusting myself and my capabilities. I always say, “I’ll get it done, I always do,” because I have shown myself time and time again that I can (and often do) do hard things.
What is one thing you believe about your future self?
She will reap the benefits of what I am sowing, and it will be well-deserved. I have been working my ass off and it has to pay off at some point (...right? Please say yes).
What is one thing you learned in childhood that you have now had to unlearn in adulthood?
Restricting my emotions. I was a very cold, emotionally closed-off child/teen. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten “softer”. I didn’t cry once for almost two years in my teens, and now almost any overwhelming emotion can make me cry. I think it’s great to feel something, but I’m still getting used to it! Sometimes I almost feel like I’ve gone too far the other way but try to remember that it is a privilege to really feel emotions.
Learning to express my emotions through communication is still a work in progress, though - haven’t quite perfected that one yet.
Have you ever felt pure joy? When?
Yes, spending time with my cousins, especially on family trips or holidays. Many of the most joyous, belly laugh-filled moments of my life have been with them. I’m so lucky to have them and I hope we continue to stay this close through adulthood.
What is something that would feel really good to get off your chest?
I overload my schedule with things to do because I am scared to be alone. I would rather do 100 things at once and keep myself busy than be home alone stewing in loneliness. However, would I have more time and energy to find my person if I wasn’t so busy? That question looms over me often. But if I’m going to be alone, I may as well build myself an impressive resume.
When do you feel most in your feminine energy?
Dancing with my friends, usually at a bar with a DJ after a few drinks each and we are feeling hot and fun.
What is one interaction that changed your life?
I AirDropped the transfer application link for my college to my study abroad roommate. She ended up transferring and I found her housing with some of my college best friends, and we melded into one big friend group. She has since become one of my very best friends and my 20s would be completely different if I hadn’t encouraged her to transfer.
One a more humbling note, I thought going to law school part time would be easy because I’ve always enjoyed school and found it relatively easy. In my first semester, I failed my first law school midterm and a week later, had an unfortunate series of events play out and I ended up crying in the office of one of my professors. A well-deserved rude awakening, honestly.
What is something you want to give up?
Drinking alcohol - not fully, just not at every social event. I am a real and true extrovert… there are a lot of social events.
What is something you want to take up?
Running (again). I go through very intense phases of being a “runner” and want to be more consistent. I love a good challenge but am working on the discipline needed to maintain getting and STAYING in shape.
What do you believe is a universal truth?
People will always remember how you made them feel. If you make a conscious effort to leave everyone you interact with feeling heard, valued, and included, the universe will reward you in return.
BONUS: Tell me something good.
We are throwing my dad a surprise birthday party! He has no idea and honestly, I think he might be pissed about it when he puts it all together, but when he sees all of our friends and family there, he’s going to love it (and the attention.) I can’t wait to see his reaction and celebrate with so many of our favorite people.