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#141. half marathons, PhD applications & being patient

Writer's picture: Devyn Penney Devyn Penney

Age: (freshly) 23

Relationship Status: In a relationship (a good friends to lovers romance)

Occupation: Research coordinator at a hospital

Income: $45k

Astrological Sign: Leo sun, Leo moon, Libra rising


What is your first thought every morning?

Honestly? Usually, “Ugh, already?” followed by, “I wonder if I’ve gotten any texts.”


What is something you do solely for you?

Most forms of exercise, reading, seeking out human interaction when I need a boost.


What is something you dread?

PhD applications being due soon and not knowing what the future will look like.


What is something you are looking forward to?

Being settled, knowing where I am going to be for the next half-decade, and knowing what my life will start to look like (a real variation on a theme from the last question).


When do you feel most accomplished?

When I can feel my brain working. When I can tell I’ve made someone’s day better. When I’ve finished a hard run or a hard puzzle. When someone tells me I’ve done well.


What is something you regret investing in financially?

My Apple Watch. I use it every single day, and it has become a critical part of my life. However, I fear it brought me one step too far into the Apple universe, and now I am never fully removed from my phone. I debate whether it helps or hurts me weekly.


What is something you regret investing in emotionally?

I really try not to have emotional regrets—if I’ve learned something, I can usually find a way to think it’s still worthwhile. But if I had to pick, I’d say trying to get my grandfather to care about me.


What are three things you think are absolutely worth the investment?

(financially, emotionally, or time/energy-wise)

  1. Relationships, whether that be romantic or platonic

  2. A good set of kitchen cookware

  3. Therapy


When do you feel most creative?

Honestly, I really struggle with being creative. As a kid, I was always doing cool, different things, but I think as I’ve gotten older, it has become harder for me to unleash that side of me. Creativity scares me because it can lead to failure. I think I need to pick up a pottery class or something.


How often do you compare yourself to others? When?

Often, but less often than I used to. It happens most frequently when I am feeling insecure or nervous, as a feedback loop to show myself that everyone else has it more figured out than me (they don’t). I’ve been working on retraining my brain from that cycle, but it’s a hard process.


What is one thing you’d like to thank your past self for?

Her patience. It took time to become who I am today- I’m glad I kept working at it and figuring it out so I could end up liking myself. Also, for always appreciating my parents, and keeping them close to me.


What is one thing you believe about your future self?

I am going to be happy and fulfilled regardless of where I am and what I’m doing, because I know myself and what I deserve, and I will always have good people in my life.


What is one thing you learned in childhood that you have now had to unlearn in adulthood?

Trying to be like other people won’t make you fit in, and if you have to adjust who you are, it isn’t someone you want to be around anyway. Also, not everyone plays a sport, and it’s okay that you aren’t very good at any!


Have you ever felt pure joy? When?

Sticking my head out of the sunroof of my friend’s car as we drove down back roads and blasted music in college. The first time I had ice cream at age 10 after I stopped being allergic to milk. Lying in bed talking with my girlfriend.


What is something that would feel really good to get off your chest?

I’m scared. A lot. The confidence is often fake. Also, [redacted], I slept with your brother the summer before 11th grade and, I’m sorry, but it was awesome.


When do you feel most in your feminine energy?

One of my best friends has something she calls ‘Soft Girl Sunday’, where she spends her Sunday doing things that make her feel connected to her femininity. She’s invited me to join her multiple times, but I honestly sometimes feel uncomfortable- I’m not a bow wearer, I don’t want to bake bread, and I don’t find my feminine energy in the “typical” soft places. I think I find it more in social settings- I love to sit around and chat with the girls in my life, discussing anything from gossip to deep emotional experiences. I feel so surrounded by such smart, intelligent women, which motivates and fuels me to carry those traits into my womanhood as well.


What is one interaction that changed your life?

At the end of seventh grade, I had to change schools to separate myself from some horrible bullying that was going on. On the last day of classes, as I was going to say goodbye to my teachers, my history teacher stopped me and said to me, “Your sense of self is too strong to let other people tear you down. Stay true to who you are and keep being the smart, curious person you are meant to be.” I have no idea if she knew what was going on or if it was just coincidental timing, but I think about her all the time.


What is something you want to give up?

Spending so much damn time thinking about the food I’m putting in my body.


What is something you want to take up?

A friend once told me that post-grad, most 20-somethings either get a cat or run a half marathon. I thought it was funny, but I’d really like to run a half marathon….


What do you believe is a universal truth?

Everyone has some good in them.


BONUS: Tell me something good.

I chronically overuse commas. There are so many sprinkled throughout these responses, it just is so easy for me to add a little pause and then keep on talking!

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