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Writer's pictureDevyn Penney

#139. self-loathing, self-care & a collapsing healthcare system

Age: 25 

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Community Psychiatric Nurse

Income: 35,000

Astrological Sign: Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius moon, Sagittarius rising


What is your first thought every morning?

If I'm working, I'm usually woken up by an alarm and scrolling social media until I need to get up. On the days I don't work, my favorite morning is waking up without an alarm and pottering around the house until I need to leave home to do errands.


What is something you do solely for you?

I do my self-care routine. It usually consists of an everything shower, face mask, skin care, comfy pajamas, a movie or show I’ve usually seen & scrolling Pinterest. I also enjoy coloring or paint by numbers for myself.


What is something you dread?

Lately I dread work. I work in a highly stressful environment in a collapsing healthcare system, so most days, it feels like I’m drowning.


What is something you are looking forward to?

I have just enrolled to start studying for my master's next month. I'm looking forward to this as I’ve always thought so highly of women (and myself) educating themselves as much as they can. Knowledge is power! I am also looking forward to seeing my mum & my cats next year. I haven't seen them in 2 years and miss them soooo much.


When do you feel most accomplished?

I feel most accomplished when provided appraisal at work (words of affirmation girly). I also feel accomplished when I’ve cleaned my house.


What is something you regret investing in financially?

Cheap bed sheets and bedcovers. Apparently, humans spend ⅓ of their lives in bed, and I probably spend more - good quality sheets and duvet covers are a must!


What is something you regret investing in emotionally?

Men that do not reciprocate the love I give to them & shitty female friendships


What are three things you think are absolutely worth the investment?

(financially, emotionally, or time/energy-wise)

  1. Satin pillowcases – an absolute game changer for fellow curly-haired girls like myself.

  2. Cotton underwear - Good quality pairs of cotton underwear are highly needed.

  3. Soundproof headphones - They are so versatile for hot girl walks, cleaning the house, at work, when anxious.


When do you feel most creative?

I don't often feel creative, as I believe I'm a very logically driven person.


How often do you compare yourself to others? When?

On the daily. Usually, I compare myself when I feel bloated & self-loathing, scrolling on Instagram…


What is one thing you’d like to thank your past self for?

For staying alive and giving up my self-harm behaviors.


What is one thing you believe about your future self?

That she will be fulfilled and feel loved.



What is one thing you learned in childhood that you have now had to unlearn in adulthood?

To not take everyone at face value.


Have you ever felt pure joy? When?

When I graduated from University.


What is something that would feel really good to get off your chest?

That I won't ever feel good enough for a partner. I also feel so stuck at work. It's really hard being a nurse. I work in the community and have a really high caseload of patients. It's often draining as I feel I don't have a work/life balance, increasing responsibility, and no support from doctors. I don't want to give up my position as it's an M-F 9-5, but I know it'll only be a short amount of time before my stress increases, and I’ll need time off work. From the bottom of my heart, I love the concept of being a mental health nurse, but in today’s society, with a collapsing healthcare system, nil staff being maintained, and the ever-looming thought of the possibility of Coroner’s Court, I am absolutely broken.


When do you feel most in your feminine energy?

I used to do pole dancing and felt very in my feminine energy. I’ve been trying to rejoin a new local one in my area, as I do miss the feeling.


What is one interaction that changed your life?

A conversation I had in year 9 with a previous girl I worked with. We discussed what we would like our future careers to be, and she so happened to mention nursing. Since then, I’ve wanted to, and became, a nurse.


What is something you want to give up?

Secretly smoking vapes when I'm stressed (mainly from work).


What is something you want to take up?

A book club!


What do you believe is a universal truth?



BONUS: Tell me something good.

I’ve moved into a new home by myself. At first, I found it so daunting, lonely, and cried every hour, but now I find it so freeing and fulfilling. I'm so grateful to be able to afford to live by myself :)

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