Age: 32
Relationship Status: Married
Occupation: Policy analyst (specializing in linguistic minority settings)
Income: 81 000$/year
Astrological Sign: Taurus sun (scorpio moon, virgo rising)
What is your first thought every morning?
What was THAT dream about?
What is something you do solely for you?
Being a couch potato and watching reality TV – it might not be pretty, but it’s my guilty pleasure. Exercise and creative projects are great for my health and my social life, but reality TV? A mindless escape, a superficial but sweet joy solely for me. A small indulgence. I must exhibit self-control.
What is something you dread?
I dread the thought of my parents aging - I just can’t imagine a world without them.
What is something you are looking forward to?
I am looking forward to being a mother! I hope it’s in our near future. I can’t wait to add that kind of love to our life.
When do you feel most accomplished?
I feel most accomplished after going for a long swim. It makes me feel strong.
What is something you regret investing in financially?
My husband and I moved to a new city for an adventure. And it was the best adventure ever – but if I look at it financially, it was probably not the best decision. The expenses of relocating, the temporary setback in my career, and the additional travel back home to visit family have made me question the financial impact of that move – especially when things are getting more expensive now. But we can’t dwell on it!
What is something you regret investing in emotionally?
A healthcare profession – it made me who I am, but it also burned me out. I felt so guilty about leaving the profession. I worried about contributing to the shortage of workers and resources. Now, in a role I truly enjoy, I continue to advocate for vulnerable populations in a way that aligns with my values, without feeling exploited and exhausted.
What are three things you think are absolutely worth the investment?
(financially, emotionally, or time/energy-wise)
Relationships: they are worth the time, the energy, the growth, the emotions that come with it – the joy, the pain. It’s worth everything!
Preserving my native language: Your language is a vital part of your identity. I’m grateful to maintain my fluency in my mother tongue, even if it’s not the dominant language where I currently live.
Education: Although I don’t work directly in my field of study, my education opened doors to a job I love and find fulfilling.
When do you feel most creative?
I feel most creative when I listen to my favorite music and paint, with no goal other than just having fun
What is one thing you’d like to thank your past self for?
Thank you for trusting yourself.
What is one thing you believe about your future self?
I believe future me will be stronger and more resilient than I am today.
What is one thing you learned in childhood that you have now had to unlearn in adulthood?
Even if things aren’t done exactly as you would have done them, at least they are done.
Have you ever felt pure joy? When?
I felt pure joy during our first dance at my wedding – the love radiating from us and from everyone in the room, the connection, the energy, the gratitude, the music…our friend said, ‘’When love, fantasy and tradition converge, you end up with a rare and perfect moment’’. And it was absolutely a perfect moment. Pure joy.
What is something that would feel really good to get off your chest?
I want to ask people, is the world really coming to an end? Should I be preparing better? I just want to know.
When do you feel most in your feminine energy?
I feel most connected to my feminine energy when I am in nature, especially near water (lakes, ocean, rivers). I always feel more in sync with who I am. Also, when I can be playful and spontaneous – playing games, dancing, being silly.
What is one interaction that changed your life?
As a teenager (riddled in self-doubt), a girl my age I worked with told me (unsolicited) that she had the biggest girl crush on me because I was so ‘’effortlessly cool’’. That interaction did more for me and my self-esteem than anything else ever has. And I still remember it…a teenager thought I was cool (as a teenager, no less).
What is something you want to give up?
Absolutely having to eat something sweet after dinner. Make it stop!
What is something you want to take up?
I want to read more books! I want to make it a regular habit.
What do you believe is a universal truth?
Kindness is rarely the wrong choice.
BONUS: Tell me something good.
Our one-year wedding anniversary is coming up and I feel so grateful for this life!