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#122. fulfillment, crying on the street & starting new chapters

Writer's picture: Devyn Penney Devyn Penney

Age: 22

Relationship Status:  Single

Occupation:  Graduate Research Assistant

Income: Not enough at the moment.

Astrological Sign: Virgo


What is your first thought every morning?

I’m so grateful to see another day.


What is something you do solely for you?

I really enjoy taking pictures of random things outside on my different cameras and kind of just hoarding the pictures to look at.


What is something you dread?

I dreadddd having to wash dishes and clean up after cooking.


What is something you are looking forward to?

I’m really looking forward to my birthday! I used to be very dismissive about my birthday but now, the older I get, the more appreciative I am of the novelty of birthdays. I also love cake so I’m so excited to dress up, go out, and eat lots of cake!


When do you feel most accomplished?

I feel most accomplished when I have time to relax. Time to relax means I’ve done everything I set out to do for the time being.


What is something you regret investing in financially?

My air fryer. I use it once every couple of weeks and it just feels like such a waste now.


What is something you regret investing in emotionally?

I really regret investing in worry. I really feel like I’ve spent so much of my life fearing the future that I never appreciated the peace that was in the present, but I’ve grown to step away from worry and practice being present and grateful for what was in front of me.


What are three things you think are absolutely worth the investment?

(financially, emotionally, or time/energy-wise)

1. Traveling

2. Love (familial/platonic/romantic)

3. A really good meal


When do you feel most creative?

I feel most creative when painting. I’m not really good at it but I feel so good and artistic when doing it.


How often do you compare yourself to others? When?

I don’t compare myself to others often, but when I do it usually involves career progression. I am so young, but I feel so behind sometimes. When I see others accomplishing goals that I envisioned for myself I can’t help but question if I’m not where I’m supposed to be.


What is one thing you’d like to thank your past self for?

She stopped hating herself. I used to be so mean to myself and sometimes I think back and get so sad about how I treated myself. But I’m just so glad I stopped the self- loathing and became a true friend to myself. I love myself unconditionally now.


What is one thing you believe about your future self?

She is fulfilled. Fulfillment to me looks like an excellent career, great health, lots of trips, and a life filled with love in all its forms.


What is one thing you learned in childhood that you have now had to unlearn in adulthood?

I had to unlearn putting others’ needs before my own. I grew up having to take care of everyone and everything at home, so I’ve been conditioned to put myself last to preserve everyone else but unlearning that has allowed me to prioritize myself so that I don’t always pour from an empty cup.


Have you ever felt pure joy? When?

YES! I have felt pure joy so many times, and I genuinely feel it often. The last time I felt pure joy was this weekend at the beach. I almost cried tears of joy as I played with my friends in the ocean. It’s really the little things in life.


What is something that would feel really good to get off your chest?

I want to be in and experience a beautiful love. And I’m tired of pretending like I don’t yearn for it. I hope it happens one day so I can stop pretending like I’m not consumed by this desire to love and be loved.


When do you feel most in your feminine energy?

I feel most in my feminine energy when I’m in a women's bathroom, meeting other girls and we’re sharing such thoughtful compliments about each other. It really feels like girlhood.


What is one interaction that changed your life?

I was lost one time after taking the bus by myself as a kid and this lady saw me crying on the street after I got off on a random stop and got me a taxi. She comforted me as I continued to cry from shock during the taxi ride. Not only did she save my life, but she was so gentle and kind with me that I think about her so often. I hope she’s doing well.


What is something you want to give up?

I want to give up being on my phone so often. I’m starting to limit my screentime and social media time to be more intentional and present during my days.


What is something you want to take up?

I want to take up journaling. I already video journal on my laptop, but I think hand writing my days will be better for accessing my entries years from now.


What do you believe is a universal truth?

It will all work out. It might not seem like it sometimes, but I truly believe things sort themselves out.


BONUS: Tell me something good.

It’s currently my birthday month and I feel so blessed to be starting a new chapter of my life.

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