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#30. connection, community & pasta connoisseurs

Writer's picture: Devyn Penney Devyn Penney

Age: 26

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Occupation: Therapist 

Income: Good enough 

Astrological Sign: Aquarius 


What is the first thing you do when you wake up? 

Coffee and minimal communication until my mug is empty.


Have you ever felt genuine fulfillment? When? 

Work fulfills me. I know work is work for many people, but I feel I need to have some sort of investment if I am allocating hours and hours a week to something. 


What is your most repetitive, negative thought? 

The unknown of the future. Things are always evolving and unpredictable. There is good in that and also a lot of fear.


What is your most repetitive, positive thought? 

There is beauty around us. It may be clear to us on some days and on other days, we may just need to look a little harder. Strangers complimenting strangers, kids laughing on a playground, a perfectly toasted piece of toast—the little things matter.


What is one thing that surprised you about adulthood? 

There's a sense of mourning involved, like growing pains. Mourning how things used to be, how things have changed, mourning what wasn’t known as a little kid. 


What are three things you want to put every woman onto? 

  1. Take yourself on dates.

  2. It’s okay to change your mind.

  3. Listen to your inner child. If she wants mac and cheese, get her some damn mac and cheese.


Rank the following from most to least important: 

money, food, sex, love, and laughter (feel free to explain or don’t). 

This probably changes daily, but today, it is: 







How has your relationship with your parents/ guardians changed in adulthood? 

Growing up, I hated when my mom told me what to do. I just wanted to “do it on my own.” Now, in tough times, I wish my mom would tell me what to do so I wouldn’t have to “do it on my own.”

When do you feel most like yourself? 

When I am with my cousins.


What is the best compliment someone has ever given you? 

When a stranger gives me a compliment. I was in a restaurant bathroom once, and a little toddler told me she liked my shoes, and I will never forget that feeling. Has nothing to do with my shoes. I just felt seen.


How do you feel about falling in love? 

I think falling in love is such a sensory and unique experience. You feel it in different ways, you see love in different ways, and when I hear about love, it feels so unique to everyone.


What is one thing you’re sick of hearing?

People trying to one-up each other.


How often do you feel alone? 

I tend to over-exhaust my social battery, and I immediately need alone time when it dies. Most of the time, this feels good for me, but I find being alone hard if my social battery has any power left in it.


What is one thing you hope everyone experiences in their lifetime? 

Peeing from laughter. Also, a great hype person.


What is one thing you hope no one has to experience in their lifetime?

Having no one show up for you. I’ve worked with many youths, aging out of foster care, and they were alone through many milestones. Graduations, birthdays, sports events, recitals, etc. 


What is the best decision you’ve ever made? 

To let people in during tough times.


When do you feel most at ease? 

When I am in bed after a long day, with my contacts out, comfy clothes on, and a snack. 


What does having a successful life mean to you? 

Feeling an abundance of connection and community.


How often do you think about your body? 

A ton. I have a lot of chronic pain. It’s been a journey of a lot of random symptoms and no explanations. This has made me overly attuned to my physical body. Heath anxiety is reallllll.


When do you ask for help? 

I think asking for help is the most powerful thing one can do. Just because we may feel we can deal with it ourselves doesn’t mean we have to.


What is something you feel strongly about? 

Women know themselves and their bodies best. 


BONUS: Tell me something good. 

My party trick is being able to name every exact pasta type.

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